Thursday, 17 October 2013

Arfstrom, K, M. & Hamdan, N. & McKnight, K. (2013). The Flipped Learning Model: A WHITE PAPER BASED ON THE LITERATURE REVIEW TITLED A REVIEW OF FLIPPED LEARNING.

Two Colorado teachers, Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams, are 'often referred to as the pioneers of Flipped Learning.' (p3). In 2007 they started to use live lectures and voiceover powerpoints for students. In their book "Flip your classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day (2012)" they stated that after flipping their classroom, students started 'interacting more in class' and 'students who were behind received more individual attention while advanced students continued to progress.' (p3). In 2012 they set up the not-for-profit Flipped Learning Network (FLN) to allow teachers to learn about the flipped classroom. In January 2012, 2500 teachers were members, and in March 2013, over 12000 teachers were members. (p3).

'No two flipped classrooms are identical.' (p4).

The article talks about the shift from a teacher-centered classroom to a student-centered classroom, where the in-class time is spent doing work and activities in greater depth as reading or other work has been done beforehand so the students are already knowledgeable about the session. In the flipped classroom, educators are more important than ever, and the theory that online podcasts or videos will replace educators over time is unlikely; just because their role is less visible in the flipped classroom they are just as important, if not more, than before.

'Quantitative and rigorous qualitative research on Flipped Learning is limited.' (p6).

'Active learning also improves student academic performance.' (p6).

'Increases student engagement and critical thinking; and improves student attitudes.' (p6).

Eric Mazur at Harvard University is in favour of the flipped classroom stating that new technology such as online lectures, podcasts and videos allow the students to prepare for their next session with their teacher and focus on further learning rather than sitting and note taking like in traditional settings.

Mussalam 2010: 'students who had studied material outside of class found it to be easier to learn new material in class.' (p7).

Flipped classroom research is generally: 'teacher reports on student achievement after adopting the model, descriptions of flipped classrooms, course completion rates, survey research measuring an array of outcomes, such as teacher, student and parent attitudinal changes.' (p7).

'May not be the best structure, for example, for an introductory course.' (p8).

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