Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Flipped Lecture 
By Simon J. Lancaster

Main points

I've done a brief summary of each section. This journal mainly discusses its use in a chemistry context but we can relate some parts to education. 

Flipped learning can use a variety of technology facilitated strategies to maximise engagement, probe understanding and ensure students are able to apply the knowledge effectively.

It gives students skills that graduates will need in employment, including the ability to work independently to solve problems.

It's shown that brain activity during lectures is comparable to that registered when watching television (Poh et al 2010). Furthermore, students are remarkably poor judges of how effectively they have learned during a lecture. Their impression appears to be based largely on the performance of the lecturer.

The consensus is that dynamic, interactive learning in which students are presented with opportunities to solve problems is more effective.

However, our institutions rarely have the resources to increase contact time and the difficulty is the type of teaching we would like to do takes time.

Executing the flip
Flipped learning should be student led wherever possible and students should send their queries to the academic in advance.

Lecture flipping is by far the best received change to teaching practice. No two flipped sessions will be the same and it will help students to come to terms with their misconceptions.
However, flipping the lecture can only be recommended for teaching staff convinced by the potential of interactivity and engagement with the confidence to relinquish some control.

For the student, flipping lectures promotes independent learning and allows much greater attention to problem solving and higher order skills.

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